Wild About You book review

 This year me and my sister decided to read and annotate a book for each other as a Christmas present and I picked Wild About You for her. 

In Wild About You we follow Natalie who within the last year has lost her merit scholarship and gained a diagnosis of anxiety and instead of taking out student loans she decides to apply for Wild Adventures, an outdoor reality program. While this is not what she would typically pick to do, the scholarship money prize will massively change things for her but her teammate Finn is not currently being overly welcoming to her…

Over the past year and a half I have found that with YA romance I need it to have something more that appeals to me otherwise I tend to not have a massively great time reading them. This was something that Wild About You had for me in a couple of ways with anxiety representation and an outdoor setting, which I hope will also work for my sister like it did for me. 

I think that the anxiety rep was done really well throughout the story with how it was described, what triggered it and how other characters helped Nay get through it (or reacted in ways typical of those who have never experienced it). I also think that the impact of having anxiety had on Nat’s life felt reasonably portrayed without being dramatised. 

As all of our characters came into this book not knowing each other it was really nice to watch their relationships develop throughout the challenges and how they began to support each other even though they were often technically competing against each other. A prime example of this was Nat and Harper’s friendship as they supported each other through challenges,  became really good friends and were just there for each other. I would love to have a book in the future following Harper. 

I also really enjoyed watching Finn and Nat’s relationship develop as the book went on and they started off really not getting along to truly supporting each other towards the end of the book. They both went into Wild Adventures with things that they struggled with and need to work through however they acknowledge they need to work through these things. Their relationship was so good and had so many scenes that I loved reading. 

Finn, Nat and Harper were all book lovers which I really loved! Nat and Harper kept recommending romance books and dropping things romance lovers would get into conversation. And then Finn got hooked! Which was just perfect for me. 

The outdoors element added exactly what I needed to this YA romance to enjoy it because it was such a fun element and made the romance unique enough to engage me. 

I am so glad I picked this book because I definitely want to read more from Kaitlyn Hill in the future and I had a great time annotating it once I was hooked by the romance and plot. If you are a YA romance fan I would recommend this however I don’t think I would necessarily recommend it to absolutely everyone. 


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