The Coast is Clear book review

 The Coast is Clear follows Izzy, a 26 year old widow with two young boys, who is ready for a new start so moves to live near her brother Luke. With Luke's help she finds the ideal house for her and her young boys, the owner, Zander, being her brother best friend and she finds that she begins to fall for as they spend more time together. 

This was a quick read that I couldn't put down and found to be really heartwarming. I couldn't put it down and wanted to continue to read about these characters who I really loved reading about. 

Izzy and Zander were both well developed and complex characters who understood each other really well and were characters that I wanted to learn more and more about and found their backstories to be well built into the plot and not just there for the sake of the characters having some dramatic backstory. Izzy clearly always looked out for the boys best interests and doing her best to create the best environment she could for them. Her grief was also tackled really well and I love how she worked with the boys too, helping them to remember their dad but also work through their big feelings about what was going on.
I also really liked meeting Luke and look forward to getting his book in the future and seeing his love life develop because it has been hinted at in this book but I definitely look forward to seeing it develop more. 

I also really enjoyed reading the romance story and seeing Izzy and Zander's relationship throughout the story. They didn't rush into a romance and thought about what a relationship between them would impact and both how to make the transition easiest for the boys and also if it was worth it. I also liked how Zander understood Izzy's priorities through personal experience and didn't push her to do things that went against what she thought was best for her family even if he disagreed instead trying to give her space and explain why he thought differently.
It was also a spice free romance which was nice to read and felt like it was right for the characters and the story. 

Overall this was easy a 4 star romance and a fun debut story from an author I will be coming back to in the future once she has released more books, and hopefully Luke's story. 

Thank you to Netgalley and the author, Jensen Rose Long, for a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review.


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