Such Charming Liars book review

 As someome who has been a Karen M. McManus fan for around 4 years now, 4 books binged when I first discovered her and 4 highly anticipated and read upon release, I always get excited when I see she has a new book out and Such Charming Liars was no exception. 

Such Charming Liars follows Kat and Liam, whose parents were briefly married for 48 hours and realise that may not be the only thing they have in common when things go wrong and someone dies at billionaire Ross Sutherland's birthday party. 

This definitely had a different feel to Karen M. McManus's previous books which have felt a lot more contemporary with characters who you feel like you could meet on the street, and while Kat does have the same realness to her nobody is bumping into her the same way they are Bronwyn and Nate. Saying this though it still had the other key elements I have come to associate with her books - characters you can't trust nor rule out, a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat and twists that are well foreshadowed so looking back they don't surprise you but you still can't predict them. 

Something else that I really liked about this book was getting both the POV's of Kat and Liam and with that feeling like you really did get to know them, who they were and what impacted them. It was interesting to see their relationships with their parents, how similar things happened but the reactions and consequences were completely different and also how they felt their relationship as siblings was developing. 

I think that compared to the speed of the rest of the book the ending does have a very different pace with maybe around twice as much happening in the same number of pages and I think that if it had slowed down a wee bit so still a faster pace but not quite as fast it might have finished the story off nicer. 

Overall this was a really enjoyable Karen M. McManus book even if it doesn't hold up as well compared to some of her other books that are just so fantastically done. I am glad to have read it but I do hope with her next book we are back to more of what I would typically expect from one of her books, as I just enjoy that type of story more. However if she goes in a completely different direction again, I won't ne complaining abd instead interested fo see how she does it. 

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review. 


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