My Kind of Trouble book review


I found myself enjoying this read however the more I think about the more that I'm sure that there were things I think could have worked better for me and I find a 3/3.5 star rating is the right place to sit with my thoughts. 

I really enjoyed reading about the characters and seeing what they were going to do along with watching their romance develop as the story went on. I don't think I've really read anything like this before in a really positive way and there were so many scenes I had a great time reading but there were also parts that I wasn't so taken by and definitely wished had been done differently, and found to be sat in the middle of two different directions I would potentially have enjoyed more. 

I thought the con part would be good fun but in many ways I found that it and the romance were competing for page space with neither really winning. The parts of the con that we saw definitely weren't the parts that interested me and I would have either liked a larger focus on the con with it taking up more page space then the romance or it taking a  proper backseat and just being a side plot line with a larger focus on Preston and Harmony's relationship developing as I just found the way it was done didn't really work for me. Instead we saw lots of Harmony and Alice, her partner to pull off the con, dealing with the issues arising or the challenging members of the town instead of how they pull these things off, so I do think either less or more would both have worked better for me. 

The thing that initially pushed me to pick this one up was the Autism Librarian representation which was probably actually my favourite part of the book. I liked that we saw both Preston and Lacey, his younger sister, who are two autistic siblings who both find things challenging and I liked that it showed how big the range of the autistic experience can be with Lacey's struggles with school and her classmates and just how Preston approaches his adult life making adaptations to make things work better for him. It was also nice to Preston understand how Lacey struggled and make their life fit him rather than her fit their life, and as he did so you could easily tell that he got it and wanted her to have a better experience than she previously had or he did at times.
I also really liked that Harmony just worked with him and didn't try to change him instead supported him when he struggled, doing what she could to understand and make things easier. 

Overall I found this to be a book I had some really positive feelings towards but wished other parts had been done differently. I would recommend it and the representation to others to read and might consider picking up more from this author in the future.


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