The Queen's Rising book review


At the end of last year and the start of this year I read The Letters of Enchantment duology by Rebecca Ross so when I saw this duology and it’s new covers in Waterstones recently I knew without even reading the blurb I had to pick it up and read it, and I was right. Now after finishing book 1, I have ordered book 2 and cannot wait to see where the story is going to go. 

I don’t want to say too much about what this book is about because I went in without knowing what it was about and that worked really well for me and I would recommend doing that too. What I will say though is if you like unique fantasy worlds, well developed characters with depth, books surrounding knowledge and family then I would definitely recommend picking it up and seeing what you think, it is slow but it also worth it. 

The story is split into four parts all of which are named after the place in which Brienna is staying in for the majority of that part which I found to be really cool and liked seeing the name of the next one. The first part is named after Magnalia, the passion school that Brienna has attended for 7 years and I loved reading about. I am a fantasy school fan and this is one of my new favourites I will admit. 

We learn more and more about the world as the book goes on and it was one of my favourite parts and about continuing to read. It was really nice to get a feel for the magic and learn about the differences between Maevan and Valenia. It is a world that I look forward to seeing more of and hopefully learning more about in The Queen’s Resistance. 

Brienna was a character who I loved and at many times early on wished things had been easier but by the end you could see she had managed to make her own decisions and decide what she wanted and where to put herself to get that. 

This book made a nice change from much of the YA fantasy that I have read recently and I really liked it. I would definitely warn you that it is slow but if that is something you don’t mind then I would highly recommend it to fans of YA fantasy. Rebecca Ross is slowly becoming an author that I trust and whose writing I really enjoy. I look forward to reading the rest of her backlist. 


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