Twelfth Knight book review


I am a massive My Mechanical Romance fan and have persuaded so many of my friends to read it since I first read it I want to say two years ago so when Alexene Farol Follmuth announced she would be coming out with a new Young Adult nerdy romance book I was honestly so excited and while I don't love it as much as I do My Mechanical Romance it as still a great Young Adult nerdy romance that I had a good time with. 

Twelfth Knight follows Viola who is tired of being told she should try and be more likeable just because she's a girl so she escapes into the world of her favourite online game Twelfth Knight where with her male character she can just play as herself. Along with Jack who discovers the game after an injury and they find that they make a surprisingly good team together. 

As I've already mentioned this wasn't the same five star read that My Mechanical Romance was, however I still loved my experience of reading it and couldn't put the book down, wanting to know where everything would ultimately end up. The game aspect was interesting and I loved learning more about it as the story went on and this had that same nerdy aspect that drew me to Alexene Farol Follmuth in the first place and keeps pulling me in. 

Both of our characters were ones I found interesting and engaging when following them, I wanted to see more of what they were getting up to. I enjoyed how their relationship developed, this was not enemies to lovers however it definitely did have an element of dislike or rivals to lovers in it and seeing this relationship grow was something I was completely invested in and rooting for, for much of the story. The online aspect of hidden identities only added to this and made me root for the pair even more, showing that it was possible for these two to get along. With how many romances I have read in the past year with this trope and really enjoyed it, I am starting to think this may be a trope for me and I'm not complaining. 

My other favourite part of this book was Viola's part of the story specifically about learning how to still be who she was but let people in and how that could help her. I don't feel like I read a high amount of Young Adult Contemporary stories where a girl so frequently gets told if she just did this, changed this, she would be more likeable and yet Viola stands her ground and while often that means she isn't viewer in a positive light she knows who she is and isn't willing to change which I loved to see. I also liked how this was accompanied with both losing friendships that have been with you for a long time or mean a lot to you and learning how to let new people in and give them a chance. 

Overall not a new favourite Young Adult Romance book but still one that I strongly recommend and really enjoyed. I will likely come back to this one in the future and hopefully recommend it to many more people. I look forward to what's next from Alexene Farol Follmuth because we need more books like this.


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