Out on a Limb book review


Earlier this year I read both Next of Kin and Next to You and loved them both so I knew that once this was rereleased I would need to read it as soon as possible. My library got the ebook on release day so I immediately got it out and binged the entire book within 24 hours and I’m so glad I did, along with it being my first HBY 5 star. 

Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young follows Win who after a one night stand has discovered she is pregnant and now with Bo, who she is remaining strictly friends with, she is embarking on this new journey with almost unavoidable chemistry. 

Throughout the story we follow both Bo and Win as they face and tackle their fears about becoming parents which in many ways feel like more of the focus than the actual pregnancy was, which may appeal for even those who don’t like the accidental pregnancy trope. I really liked learning about Win as the book went on and who she was as a person because she was a character who I found I loved and wanted to support. I also really liked meeting Bo and learning who he was and why he behaved how he did. I also found myself really liking our side characters of Sarah and Caleb whose book I cannot wait to read next year. 

I really enjoyed the story and am so happy to have finally read it. The romance was fantastic and had me desperate to keep reading to see how everything would end up for Bo and Win by the end of the book. I also enjoyed seeing the characters come together and learn each other and how they could work together with both of their strengths and weaknesses. It was also nice to see how both Bo and Win were impacted by their disabilities and how they made it work for them.

I highly recommend this romance book and it was such an easy 5 star read. I am loving all of Hannah Bonam-Young’s books and cannot wait to get to read my next one whenever that may be. These are such fun romances that I cannot put down and have me loving the characters so so much.


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