The Baby Plan book review


The Baby Plan By Emma Bennet follows Sophie who has just found out that her sister has died in a car accident and now needs to look after her sister's baby, Alana, whom she has never met before when Samson, Alana's father, turns up. They agree to have Sophie and Alana move in with Samson and they slowly but surely settle into a routine together. 

I enjoyed this story and had a good time reading it, it was short, sweet and full of emotions. I enjoyed reading from Sophie's perspective and understanding how she felt throughout the story as well as seeing her feelings towards Alana and Samson develop and how much they most meant to her by the end of the story. 

During the story, I would say the only characters that we see frequently throughout are Sophie, Samson and Alana, but we do see some of the friendships that are developed and Samson's family members which I really liked. I really liked it as we saw both Sophie and Samson develop as characters throughout the story, both as we learned more about them and as they grew and changed due to the situation they were in. The characters felt built up in the book, with flaws and made mistakes, they were not perfect people which makes them feel accurate to real life and that they could be actual people. They realise when they've done something wrong and try to fix it as best they can. I liked both characters and occasionally got annoyed at them but overall they were both people that I wanted to read more about. 

I also liked seeing the support that they had around them, including the friend Sophie found in Julia and the couple of scenes we got with Samson's family who were just so wonderfully supportive. You can also see why many of their relationships are no longer as strong as they were due to having a baby in their lives now and how this is both a positive and negative thing but nobody is at fault. 

As I have previously mentioned I really enjoyed this story and had a fun time reading it. I read it in one day was hooked and wanted to know how it was going to end. I liked seeing the relationship build, how Sophie and Samson interacted and Alana as a character on her own. It is an engaging story that packs an emotional punch no matter how short it is, and being 12 chapters and under 200 pages does not take anything away from the story in any way whatsoever. 

On the other hand, it did take me a while to get hooked and comfortable in Sophie's head, at the start I wasn't her biggest fan but that quickly changed as I have shown already in my review. 

This felt like a fun 3 star read that I enjoyed and would probably recommend but it definitely wasn't a new favourite book and I don't know if I will read any more Emma Bennet, but enjoyed this story overall.


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