As Good As Dead short review


This is the third book in the A Good Girls Guide to Murder series and I was very excited to see what was going to happen and where it was going to go. This book also didn't disappoint, I didn't expect it to take the direction it did and there were some bits that terrified me but I did still rate it 5 stars. 

I had so many feelings when reading this, I loved some bits and how the characters have evolved, terrified about what was going on and then heartbroken by parts of the ending. The characters have grown and evolved so much in this series and I love how much they have grown, I also hope they get a break after everything that they've been through. 

This book took a dark turn and I can't say I didn't like it. I don't know if it was my favourite when it first happened, but the way it continued on and led to the ending I loved. I also loved how all of Pip's friends stepped up to help even if they didn't completely know what was going on. 

That ending too!! Ending with that line! I want to know how that conversation went. 

Overall a 5 star series and one that I highly recommend. I think this was defiantly the perfect end to the series too. 


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